Friday, January 23, 2015

Proud Soccer Mom Style

I spend HOURS upon HOURS at the soccer field each week and I honestly love it! I played soccer growing up and some of my favorite memories include weekend tournaments with my team! I am excited to watch my kids get to experience the same thing with their teams and friends!  

This year both of my kids are on our local travel team, and that includes a total of 4 practices and at least 2 games a weekend.  To me, that is PERFECT! I feel like I have a season pass to watch my two favorite players enjoy my all time favorite sport.....WIN! 

This little guy was planning on "retiring" from soccer this past year and just playing baseball.  I totally let my kids choose the sports that they decide to play, because I am NOT going to argue or beg them to go to practices and games!  I admit, I was super sad when he mentioned giving the game up....but that's was his choice!  LUCKILY the week of tryouts, he saw a super cool soccer ball at the store and decided that he should probably try out in hopes that he would get this new ball! (little shit!)  Not only did he tryout and make the team (99% sure that EVERYONE made the team, lol!) but he is pretty much the rock solid star of his team.  He has fallen IN LOVE with soccer, practices daily at home, wants to be the first one at practice and last one to leave, and has a smile on his face the ENTIRE time he is playing!  THANK GOODNESS FOR THAT BRIGHT GREEN SOCCER BALL THAT KEPT MY LITTLE GUY IN THE GAME OF SOCCER!!!!!!!!

Kacey is on her 3rd year on the travel team! SHE ABSOLUTELY LOVES IT!!!!!! I swear that every single time she has the ball, she has a smile from ear to ear and I can actually hear her giggle!  It cracks me up every time and just warms my heart! She is excited to go to every single practice and game, and leaves every single game proud! (regardless of how she played or the outcome of the game...this girl is proud! ha!) Watching her bond with her teammates and coach just makes me so excited for the fun memories she will have forever! 

I know that I have shared this picture on here before but it still cracks me up!  I spent hours practicing, nights in hotels braiding hair and talking all hours of the night, and lots of blood sweat and tears with these girls!  I also think it is hilarious that my BFF and I (to the right of me) thought we were beyond cool when we would roll up our sleeves and tuck them under our sports bras! Total trendsetters! ha! I still keep in touch with a good chunk of these girls and that makes me so happy!!!! GOOOOO DAZZLE! (Yes, our team was named Dazzle ha!)

Last year I came up with a Soccer Mom Style board and it was geared towards super hot weather soccer....but we play soccer ALL YEAR LONG here in Florida and I wanted to add a long sleeve pullover to the mix!  This is what Chad likes to call...."Katie's Saturday Uniform" and I am totally okay with that!  

Soccer Pullover and Tshirt: I tried to design the shirts and choose the colors so that they would work for any soccer fan!  Last year I included red in the mix, and I had SEVERAL emails begging me to make it black and white so that they could wear it every season, regardless of the color team their child ended up on.  I listened...and I am loving the simplicity of it!  I just can't seem to do the bedazzled sports mom shirts, so this style really works for me! 

Tote Bag: A big open bag is pretty much NEEDED when you are a sports mom!  You will need a blanket in case it gets chilly, a small umbrella in case it rains, snacks because you will get so hungry watching others exercise, and a planner because every once and a while the coach will spring a new practice or game on you at the last min.  I really love this bag! (also comes in gold dipped) !!!!! I am still 100% on board with my old trusty bag....but I am thinking of adding the new tote to the mix.

Nikes: I like to wear sneakers to soccer games because I usually end up kicking the ball with my kids either before or after the game.  I just can't help it! I feel like any tennis shoes that aren't running shoes are basically dress shoes! :)

Jeans: I am totally trying these babies out!  I am a big fan of jeans that look old....feel old....but are new.  Jeans are my favorite and I feel that you can NEVER have too many!  These are currently on sale 30% off, but they are ALWAYS having 40% off sales, so just hold out and snag them the second they hit 40%. They are called "girlfriend" jeans instead of the old trusty "boyfriend" jeans.  I think these will work much better for me because my "boyfriend/husband" and I could never really share jeans anyways.

Chair:  Chad and I have had our share of chairs over the years!  We have purchased the $10 chair, the overpriced chair with umbrella and foot rest, and every chair in between.  I am OVER IT!  I just wanted a comfortable chair that I can have all season long, that will breath in the summer heat....and is comfortable.  I feel like we have found our favorite chair!  My favorite part is that it has a mesh back so that I can feel the breeze blowing instead of just blocking it with the usual backing. 

I have received lots of requests for other sport shirts as well.....lacrosse, dance, cheer, gymnastics, football, basketball.....and everything you can keep of! I honestly am trying to come up with something that I love.....but the truth is....I know soccer and baseball. I know what I want to wear as I support my kids....and I am hoping that I get some amazing idea for the other sports as well. :) 

Thursday, January 15, 2015

Half Marathon Training....What Works For Me

I have been meaning to write this post for months now!  I have also been meaning to start training for my upcoming half marathon for months as well....and they are basically both just getting done this week.

I run a local half marathon every year, and I truly love it!  I LOVE the excitement, the people watching, and just feeling alive and super proud of myself!  I don't, however, enjoy training for it!  I am not a hard core competitive runner, I am more like a girl who loves alone time and getting running kind of just works out for me.

I never go fast, I never stop, I just go! I found this training schedule 4 years ago when I literally googled "10 weeks until half marathon help!".  I stuck to it.....did exactly what it said....and I finished the race without any problem at all!  I would say that, for me, this schedule seems to work just fine!

Over the last 3 years I have generally started my marathon training with only 6 weeks I just pick right up at that week and MAKE myself stick to the schedule.  THE ONLY THING I ALTER is that I NEVER run more than 10 miles before the actual race.  I get blisters on my toes, regardless of the socks, shoes, lotions.... EVERY single time I run longer than 10 I just don't do it!  I figure adrenalin and amazing people watching will just get me thru the last 3.1 miles on the actual race day!
This past year I have constantly gone for runs....some long...some short...but I am very consistent with running at least 3 nights a week.   I just wanted to point out that I am not just getting from the couch to starting a half marathon program in the middle of the schedule. 

As of today....I have just over 5 weeks until this years half marathon!  I started training on Tuesday (I switched tuesday and wednesday because I just felt like it!) with a 5 mile run, and it was actually no problem at all!  I had a pace of 9min 35 sec/mile the entire time and never got out of breath or felt like I wanted to stop.  I just put on pandora radio to "2014 best in pop music", turned on my garmin watch, and just ran around and around and around the park that my kids had practice at.
I am in NO way a serious runner or in the position to give real training advice....I just wanted to tell you my favorite running gear and schedule that seem to work for me. 

I have always used the nike app on my phone to track my runs, but I just felt like it wasn't very Santa brought me this watch/tracker for Christmas! I have to say, I love it!  I have found that I check it less and let my body decide if I need to go faster or slower.  

This gum is a MUST for me when I am running over 4 miles.  I get bored, and thirsty, and I am not one that will carry around a bottle of water while I run.  I just don't want to carry it, and I honestly don't like the feeling of drinking while running.  The flavor doesn't last very long, but it randomly makes your mouth water and makes you feel like you have just had a few sips of gatorade.  It might be all in my head....but I swear by this stuff! 

I used to think it was absolutely CRAZY to have actual socks designated to running....BUT these socks are actually pretty amazing! I get blisters, BAD, and these socks seem to help pull the sweat away from your skin when you are running long distances.  Like I said....I am not a pro....I just know what I like...and I like these socks! If we are ever just short of making the "spend $50 and get $10 off" when we are shopping at Dicks...I always run back and grab a pair of these socks so that they are basically free! 

I really don't mind what type of shirt I wear when I run...I just don't like it too be too tight! I prefer thin shirts, even in the winter because I don't like having them cling to me.  This shirt is one of my favorites. 

I am iN LOVE with these pants! They are just so darn pretty and they hold everything in place, and don't show any sweat! I have come to learn that if there is one thing (other than shoes) that I will pay bigger bucks is running pants. When you are running higher distances you realize that good pants really do help you out, and make for a much more comfortable run! 

This past has made me feel motivated for my run is rainy and chilly so it would be nice to stay inside and drink tea...or wine.  :)

Friday, January 9, 2015

Valentine's Day Style

So I couldn't be more excited to list our first installment of NEW goodies to our etsy shop!!!!!  I can't even believe it is already time to get going on Valentine's day gear...but ready or it comes!

I absolutely LOVED the reindeer games tshirt, so I felt the need to continue with the same style tshirt for Valentine's day! I loved getting pictures of how everyone in warmer weather states were able to wear it and not sweat trying to be festive....while the lucky ladies in the snow were able to wear it with layers underneath or a cardigan/blazer over it!  Not to mention, it is incredibly soft and totally doubles as pajamas....which is what I seem to look for in clothing at all times!

I wanted to make a shirt that was a little sportier and show off my love to all the boy mamas out there too!  My son totally "okayed" the style/jersey of these I feel confident that it is a WIN! 

I also felt the need to add my favorite signature, "all my love" on this striped shirt!  It is the same fit/style as our "fiesta like there's no maƱana" and the "red preppy reindeer" shirt, just with gray stripes!  How could you go wrong with that?!

I can't wait to hear your feedback on these, and look forward to sharing all of the fun new goodies heading to our store within the next few weeks....months.  BIG STUFF FOR 2015!!!!!

This pretty much looks like my "uniform" for the next month or so! I LOVE this cardigan because if you are cold and have to cover up the super cute stripes on the sleeves of the XOXO shirt....this adds them back! 

I have also added a coupon code for all of you early birds to save 15% off with the code "allmylove". Shirts will ship out the last week in January (aiming for earlier...but I really need to stop cutting it so close!) 

Thursday, January 8, 2015

2014 Styles In Review

I can not believe that we are already 8 days into 2015! How is this even possible!

2014 was an AMAZING year and I am kind of sad to see it go!  I feel like it was the first year that my family was in the groove, and I can only hope that it keeps going in the new year.

My business mission was always to design new styles of shirts EVERY season/holiday......and then retire them once they sold out!  WELL....the issue I always run into is that I lOVE each and every design and I hate to have them go away forever!  It honestly is a stress for me to keep my vision going.....or continue on with my original designs.

In 2015 I am going to TRY to go 100% NEW!  I can't wait to show you the Valentines goodies....ALL 5 OF THEM!!!!!!  I know that everyone LOVED the collaboration with Jessica Garvin on the OLIVE YOU shirts....and it was one of my FAVORITES....but we are moving on with new designs that I KNOW you will love.

Here is a peek back at all of our designs from 2014! It makes my heart SOOO beyond happy and thankful for ALL of the support that you all have given me and my shop...and I honestly can't thank you enough for giving me this creative outlet! I LOVE MY JOB!!!!!! I truly LOVE it!


What did you love about our 2014 designs.....what are you hoping to see in 2015 from our shop?  More words? More images? More every day shirts? I LOVE feedback and truly do listen and put it into my decision making process. (LIKE THE FEW EMAILS/INSTAGRAM (@kcsnead) COMMENTS BEGGING TO NEVER EVER LET THE SANTA DESIGNS GO....AND I HAVE TO SAY THAT I PROBABLY WON'T. HOW COULD I? THAT FACE!)

I have a million things racing around my brain that I want to do....need to do....can't wait to get started on this year!