Thursday, August 21, 2014

Rule The School

This week has been INSANE and full of highs and lows! SaSea is growing and I honestly can't even tell you how excited, honored, proud, and giddy this makes me!  I LOVE my job but I LOVE that the feedback is all so positive!  I can't ever thank you all enough!!!!

I was in the car pick up line on the second day of school and I was tagged in a picture that said that our Coffee Carpool Cocktails Repeat shirt was on TORI SPELLINGS BLOG in the Back To School Must Haves!!!!!!!  Um.....this 90210 fan... and every show after that wanted to roll my car windows down and shout it to the world!  Instead I frantically called my husband, sister, and a load of friends telling them to check it out! (close second to causing a scene)

To be on the same page (not just TORI SPELLINGS PAGE!!!!) with these amazing shops makes me so excited!  Every single item on this page is on my birthday wish list, and I actually JUST purchased an Evy's Tree sweatshirt last week!  You can check out the whole magazine here and start making your wish list too!!!!! (and visit our back to school Mom Style here)

I also have been keeping a BIG secret that I can't even wait to show!  We have JUST added a new RULE THE SCHOOL girl's shirt!  The combo of NEON pink sleeves, gold foil lettering, AND the nod to Grease is my top favorite right now!  My inner school girl REALLY wants to wear this shirt around and pretend to be Rizzo for the day!  I could literally quote every line in Grease! 

 Her favorite shorts here (her stye is sold out but these are basically the same)

When you ask your 10 year old for a close up of the shirt.....this is what you get! ha!

I couldn't love this shirt any more than I already do! 

Gold foil= my new favorite! 
We have these shirts ready to ship (sizes 2-10) in our shop and are limited qty right now. 

1 / 2 / 3 / 4 / 5 / 6
(huge sale at the gap and crew today! run!)

Those are all my super exciting things going on this week....and now I am off to eat lunch with my little man! He is NOT loving school this year!  I have NO idea what is going on with him, but he does NOT want to be there regardless of how much he likes his teacher!  He is BEGGING me to homeschool him, which is NOT going to happen.  This mama knows herself enough to know that I am the fun mom....not the teacher mom!  I am at a total loss as to what to do because he has always loved going to school and is so into learning anything and everything.  HELP!!!!! 

1 comment:

  1. Love your shirts! Congrats for being in Tori's magazine!! Hang in there with your son I'm sure it will get better. Are his friends in a different class this year? Sometimes my students are upset when they are not with their besties.
