Thursday, May 15, 2014

Being an Auntie is The Best

I have just spent the last 3 days in baby heaven!  I got "the call" on Monday morning that my sister in law was going to the hospital to be induced....and I immediately booked a flight and headed to Myrtle Beach, SC.  

I was pretty sure that she was going to have the baby prior to me getting there and I would miss the excitement....BUT my little buddy Nolan waited for me to get there to make his big debut!  It was such an exciting and surreal moment when you get to walk in and see a brand new baby and the calm of the whole room!  SO EXCITING!!!!!!

 The proud parents at Midnight just after Nolan was born!

This little guy is so good! He was past his due date and weighed 8 pounds 5 oz and 22 inches long! BIG GUY!  He spent most of the visit sleeping, eating, and just being perfect! 

Ashley is such a trooper and this little guy is already smitten with his mama!  

Babies in baskets are always cute, and when they are your nephew, they are even cuter!

 I still can't get over all of his dark hair!  My kids both look just like my sister in law, and I was joking that her baby would look just like me!  I am pretty sure he does! We are basically twins! :)

I am currently at the airport just waiting for my delayed flight to take off and missing this little guy already! I left them with a freezer full of meals and a home full of such excitement.   I can't wait to take another road trip up to see this little man again!  I just know my welcome home hugs from my "babies" will feel so good...and make me feel like they are so grown! 


  1. Oh he's precious! Congratulations!

    1. Thank you!!!!! It really is the best feeling! I am sooooo excite that I was able to be there on his actual day of birth!!!!
